I will just leave this here so I can find it later...
* which data
files are available?
* macro copied
http://documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=mcrolref&docsetTarget=n0js70lrkxo6uvn1fl4a5aafnlgt.htm&docsetVersion=9.4&locale=en;* with BQ mods to write file list to a sas table ;
%macro list_files(dir,ext);
%local filrf rc did memcnt name i;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,&dir));
%let did=%sysfunc(dopen(&filrf));
%if &did eq 0 %then %do;
%put Directory &dir cannot be open or does not exist;
data work.&ext._files;
attrib folder length=$128;attrib filename length=$64;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(dnum(&did));
%let name=%qsysfunc(dread(&did,&i));
%if %qupcase(%qscan(&name,-1,.)) = %upcase(&ext) %then %do;
%put &dir\&name;
folder = "&dir";
filename = "&name";output;
%else %if %qscan(&name,2,.) = %then %do;
%let rc=%sysfunc(dclose(&did));
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf));
%mend list_files;
txt);%list_files(&RAWDATA_FOLDER, dat);